Dear Ellianna,
This Mothers' Day I stood in line with all the little kids buying flowers for their mommies, but this time it was me that was buying flowers for my little girl. Soft pink petals that remind me of the perfectly delicate details of you.
This Mothers' Day I stood at the marble stone and felt disbelief again that I was looking at your name spelled out in those sharp copper letters.
I pondered how motherhood has changed for me this year. How I have learned to savor the small moments and take in every small step... how I've learned that each lullaby could be the last, and the pleas for just ONE more book, or tickle, or kiss should be eagerly answered with all the passion one can fit into a moment.
I sat and let myself feel that hollow, empty canyon in my heart that has been echoing my cries ever since I had to watch you go. I remembered how it felt to hold you close to me and sprinkle your sweet cheeks with kisses.
This Mothers' Day I knew I was different... that I have tread in an apalling darkness that no Mommy should ever have to face. I longed to hold you again, to watch you grow, to get to be your Mommy for even one more day.
This Mothers' Day I love you more than ever, I miss you desperately, and I am thanking God that my life was blessed with such a precious and special little girl.
Until We Meet Again,
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